In a country like Ireland — which has nearly 2,000 miles of stunning coastline, roads that twist and turn their way through green hills that sweep down to the sea, and one adorable hamlet after another — it’s hard to…

Singling Out Dingle

More to Love on Inishmore
We left Galway for a quick side trip to Inishmore — the largest of the Aran Islands out in the Atlantic just beyond the mouth of Galway Bay — for an overnight stay. We had packed just a few things in…

Surf and Turf in Western Ireland
Another marvelous drive is the scenic route south of Westport, “through the twisting, turning, winding roads of Galway and Mayo” (as sung by our favorite Irish band, the Saw Doctors). Even on a cloudy day, driving past the “stone walls…

Mayo – Music to Our Ears
The charming, tidy town of Westport in County Mayo is a big one for music, so despite our long day’s drive down from County Donegal, Hector and I summoned the energy in the evening to stop in at Matt Molloy’s,…

Hiker Haven in Donegal
As we continued our counterclockwise road trip of Ireland, more dramatic scenery awaited us in Donegal, the northwestern-most county in the Irish Republic. Although it’s somewhat off the beaten tourist path, we found it the perfect place to get out…

Coastal Delights and Derry Sights
From Larne we continued north, enjoying the highly scenic Antrim Coast and the Glens of Antrim — a series of nine glens, or valleys, from which streams flow down toward the sea, with a tidy town at each inlet surrounded…

Enchanted by the Emerald Isle
The big blue marble we call home is full of picturesque, charming, compelling places to visit, but one of my absolute favorites is Ireland. Back in 2015, Hector and I spent an all-too-brief two weeks circling this enchanting island by…

The End of the Road in Ensenada
We left Guerrero Negro and pointed the car north for our final Baja destination, Ensenada. We took our time getting there, relishing a return jaunt through the boojum trees in Valle de los Cirios Protected Area. Our friend Diana had…

Seeking Gray Whales in Guerrero Negro
No trip to the Baja Peninsula would be complete without at least one whale-watching excursion, and we chose the small town of Guerrero Negro at the far northern end of the state of Baja California Sur for a boat trip…

Miscalculations in Mulegé
Leaving Los Cabos, we pointed the car north for the return drive along the Baja California Peninsula, planning to explore Mulegé, a small coastal town we had zipped past on our way south but made a mental note to return…