About Project 100

Over the river and through the woods

To the national parks we go!

Project 100 is the brainchild of Christi the Word Monkey, travel addict and list-maker extraordinaire. What better list is there than a plan to visit as many national parks and monuments as possible? And why wait for retirement to get a start on that list? Life is short, so we’re packing up the Prius to spend a year as nomads on a quest of discovery — hiking, kayaking, camping, and sightseeing our way through the best of what our glorious national park system has to offer.

Why Project 100?

To celebrate the National Park Service‘s 100th anniversary in 2016, we figured it was only fitting to visit at least 100 of the national parks, monuments, historic sites, seashores and lakeshores, rivers, and preserves that make up this vast public treasure trove. Christi will spin the yarns as we zigzag our way across the country, and Hector the Picture Monkey will provide the visuals. Come along for the ride!
